United Phone Losers
How to listen in on devices that use Freqencies
(cordless phones,police,etc)

issue no. 6 - March 17, 1999
this issue written by Jc


Whats up my phreakers, this is Jc the new member of UPL. I wrote this issue because linear has been bugging me to start phreaking I said sure why not and so this is my first issue that i can relate to because my little bro had a 200-channel scanner we got at radio shack my favorite toy of my childhood.

How to get a scanner

The place were my brother got his scanner was at radio shack, were i live there behind the counter next to cell phones, ham radios (walk-e-talkies). The have all kind of scanner portable and household scanners, there kind of expensive to some people but they are money well spent.  They have either long range or short range depending on our antenna.  Just go to radio shack and check them out.

List of the different Frequencies

Here are the range of freqencies that most scanners pick up. I reccommend listening in on the 806-9xx range. This is where you pick up cellular phone conversations.

29.0 - 29.7 MHz 10 Meter Ham radio
29.7 - 50.0 MHz Low Band
50.0 - 54.0 MHz 6 Meter Ham radio
108 - 137 MHz Aircraft
137 - 144 MHz Military
144 - 148 MHz 2 Meter Ham radio
148 - 174 MHz High Band
406 - 420 MHz Federal Government
420 - 450 MHz 70 cm Ham radio
450 - 470 MHz UHF Band
470 - 512 MHz "T" Band
806 - 956 MHz "800" Band-Cellular phones

Cordless Phones
If you live in a big city you will probably be able to tune into just about any of this frequencies.

Base Unit       Channel         Handset
 46.61           CH 1            49.67
 46.63           CH 2            49.845
 46.67           CH 3            49.86
 46.71           CH 4            49.77
 46.73           CH 5            49.875
 46.77           CH 6            49.83
 46.83           CH 7            49.89
 46.87           CH 8            49.99
 46.93           CH 9            49.99
 46.97           CH 10           49.97

Cordless phone eavesdropping is just about the funnest thing you can do with your scanner. Me and borhter used to listen to calls all night and day picking up information about peolpe like phone number, credit cards and cool stuff like that, have fun!

Wireless microphones and fast food drive-thrus
The following frequencies are used by people useing wireless microphone or at Fast Food Drive-Thrus. The ones with * are also used at drive thrus

 30.84         33.12       33.14*        33.40*         35.02*         36.70
 37.10         40.22       40.68         42.98          44.87          47.27
 49.83-49.99  150.775     150.790       151.625        151.715*       151.775*
154.570*      154.600*    165.9125      167.3375       167.4875       167.875
169.200       169.425     169.445*      169.505        170.225        170.245*
170.305*      171.045*    171.105*      171.125        171.450        171.825
171.845       171.905*    172.000       172.200        457.525*       457.550*
457.5625*     457.5875*   457.575*      457.600*       460.8875*      461.1125
465.8875*     466.200     467.750       467.775*       467.7875*      467.800
467.8125*     467.825     467.850       467.875        467.900        467.925

!Thats All!


Jc, United Phone Losers and/or it's members WILL NOT be held responsible for what you do with the information within this text document. We cannot take responsibility for your ignorance, besides, we can barely take responsibility for our own.


If you feel I left something out, or you think something is incorrect, feel free to contact me via email: uplxjc@yahoo.com
